Word Nerd: Welcome to Word Nerd!

So, hey!

I’ve decided to try and be a bit more useful on this blog: do some updates from time to time, tell a joke or two, get my nerd on, do a little dance, make a little love, generally get down tonight.* You know the sort of thing?

So I’ll try and mix it up in content, based on where the mood takes me: a review here, a bit of socio-political commentary there, a meme the other place, somethin’ weird over there.

But every second Thursday, you’ll be getting Word Nerd! Basically, we found, looking over posts from the past, that what you guys want – what you really, really want – is to zig-ah-zig-ah posts about pedantry. Grammar, language, usage, that sort of thing. Which is a happy chance, since I love writing about shit like that.

But Word Nerd won’t be exactly your typical, run-of-the-mill grammar blog.

First, because I won’t always write about words and usage. Sometimes I’ll do a bit of history about grammar and grammarians, dictionaries and dialects; sometimes I’ll share funny stories hingeing on words or wordplay. Whatever I find amusing. I am the whimsy.

And second, because I won’t pick on shit people pick on all the time. You want to know the difference between their, there and they’re? Google it. Trust me, there’s like a billion articles about it.†

I hate people who smug out about grammar. The kind of people that proudly own “Grammar Nazi” mugs and come on Facebook and Twitter to correct people’s English. I hate those dozy little fucking slogan-pictures‡ with lists of words people get wrong. It’s petty, it’s obnoxious, and if your intent is to encourage people to learn, it’s totally the wrong way of doing things.

So I’ma be your Grammar Nazi Hunter. My preferred targets will be the things that Grammar Nazis get wrong; the things that people get wrong while telling other people who got them right that they got them wrong. Let’s string those fuckers up.

If you’re one of those people, great! Argue with me. Tweet us; Facebook us; let’s have an argument. You might prove me wrong! I’d fucking love that.

Everyone else: if you got anything you want me to look up or talk about, or think you’ve got one of these shibboleths to pick apart, same drill. Get in touch! I’d love to hear from you.



*That got away from me, there.

†One billion, six hundred and sixty million, according to Google. Fucksake.

‡Look, okay, I just don’t like calling them “memes.” Call it a quirk. Hey, the technical term is “image macro,” did you know that?