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Happy publication day Extinction Biome: Invasion!

Brace for impact! Addison Gunn’s Extinction Biome: Invasion crashes into bookshops today – seek it out, comrades!

But what the heckins is it all about, we hear you cry? Well, read on to find out:

Four years in the military, training for a war that never happened, left Alexander Miller disillusioned and apathetic. Now, as second in command of COBALT, a corporate bodyguard unit for the biotech giant Schaeffer-Yeager, he’s little more than a glorified chauffeur to the wealthy elite. But times change.

A threat from the ancient past has reawakened, and like a Biblical plague it threatens to consume every ecosystem on Earth. Hordes of parasite-infected humans riot against the increasingly powerless authorities as vast fungal blooms destroy crops and terrifying beasts stalk city streets.

The last time this happened, T-Rex found itself on the menu. But mankind’s got more than teeth – it’s got guns. Miller and the men and women of COBALT are pressed into service to fight the onslaught, but they have no idea how cut-throat their corporate masters can be…

The author, part-mad, all military genius, has been talking up a storm about Extinction Biome: Invasion over at A Fantastic Librarian and The Big Thrill – read, enjoy, and, crucially, go and buy the book. Gunn is not a man to be trifled with…

Extinction Biome is out now!

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Extinction Biome: Operation Sea Mink out today!

Action! Adventure! Nuclear warheads! Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? And it is! Operation Sea Mink, the latest eBook installment of Addison Gun’s rather brilliant Extinction Biome, is out today.

While collecting a team of Schaefer-Yeager scientists from Infected territory, our hero Alex discovers the Archaeans, a group of Infected with a degree more control over themselves, falling victim less slowly to the Archaeobiome. He also meets their leader: his ex-girlfriend, Samantha.

On returning to the Compound, they learn that the nuclear warhead Harris had sent for had arrived in the East River, but the freighter was damaged, its crew lost or incapacitated. Gray sends Miller on OPERATION SEA MINK, a mission to retrieve the warhead before an increasingly paranoid and ambitious Harris gets to it…

Extinction Biome is a new military-SF series about a world overrun by an ancient ecology, awakened from a millennia-long dormancy to destroy the human race; and about the decisions we must make to try and survive…

Extinction Biome: Operation Sea Mink is out now!
Buy: eBook

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Happy publication day Operation Honshu Wolf!

How do you take your military SF? How’s about full of guts, glory and an existential threat to humanity, penned a reclusive military genius Addison Gunn*, and wrapped up in a stylish bow, Abaddon style. 

Sounds good, eh? Well it is! Operation Honshu Wolf, the first installment in Extinction Biome, is out in eBook format today. Hooray! But what’s it about, you cry? Well…

Four years in the military, training for a war that never happened, left Alexander Miller disillusioned and apathetic. Now, as second in command of COBALT, a corporate bodyguard unit for the biotech giant Schaeffer-Yeager, he’s little more than a glorified chauffeur to the wealthy elite. But times change.

A threat from the ancient past has reawakened, and like a Biblical plague it threatens to consume every ecosystem on Earth. Hordes of parasite-infected humans riot against the increasingly powerless authorities as vast fungal blooms destroy crops and terrifying beasts stalk city streets. The last time this happened, T-Rex found itself on the menu. But mankind’s got more than teeth – it’s got guns.

Schaeffer-Yeager CEO L. Gray Matheson has plans, and the turn-around starts now. Miller’s been assigned to OPERATION HONSHU WOLF, finding essential S-Y staff in the nightmare and getting them to a safe haven…

Extinction Biome: Operation Honshu Wolf is out now!

*Aided and abetted by two supremely talented new authors in the shape of Anne Tibbets and Malcolm Cross.