Happy publication day The Power of Media!

Those ’60s were pretty wild, eh? Now imagine, if you will, pitching Holmes and Watson, Baker Street’s finest, in amongst all that sex and drugs and rock and roll. There’s got to be a hell of a story in there, right?

Yes, that is entirely right. We know, because the very talented Glen Mehn has written it, and it is called The Power of Media. A powerful and brilliant novella, it’s out in eBooks today and can be snapped up right now. Hooray!

Here’s the synopsis, for fans of knowing what the heckins it is you’re buying

1968, a time of change: the Black Panthers, the Stonewall riots, student protests, women’s liberation. Newly famous, Sherlock Holmes – the detective over the bakery on Avenue B – is much in demand.

Amid the steady stream of cases, Holmes becomes caught up in a string of seemingly innocuous stories. His landlady, the hardworking baker Mrs. Hendrix, is worried that her nephew has fallen in with a bad crowd. Madame Ondine, a notorious drag queen from Andy Warhol’s Factory, has apparently quit drugs and cleaned up his act. Dr. Bill, a mathematician and physicist, thinks his academic rivals are somehow stealing his notes.

The New Left is a turbulent, passionate, occasionally dangerous place at the best of times, but Holmes is on the trail of something darker. Something deadly…

The Power of Media by Glen Mehn is out now!

And don’t forget, you can get this story in print – alongside two more Holmesian novellas – in the forthcoming alt.sherlock.holmes.