Generation Decks is available for preorder now!

Magic: The Gathering players! Lovers of geek culture! Readers of love letters to hobbies! Your times is now: Generation Decks, Titus Chalk’s unofficial history of Magic: The Gathering, is available for preorder now.

A wonderfully written and utterly compelling tale that follows the birth of the world’s biggest card game from its infancy through to its global success, Generation Decks is available for preorder now. 

Read on for more info and links to where you can grab your copy…

Generation Decks
The unofficial history of Magic: The Gathering
By Titus Chalk

The incredible true story behind the global gaming phenomenon!

Generation Decks tells the story of the mould-breaking fantasy card game Magic: The Gathering. The brainchild of misfit maths genius Richard Garfield, Magic combines complex gameplay with collectability. When it came out in 1993 it transformed the lives of quiet brainiacs who had longed for a way to connect and compete. It made millionaires of its creators, and kick-started the era of professional gaming.

Titus Chalk tells the game’s story, from its humble origins to its continued success in today’s digital age. Prepare to meet Generation Decks, a community like no

Generation Decks is available for preorder now!
Buy: UK|US|Rebellion Store